General SMS

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Most Touching

The Most Touching Friendship Lines
“If Ever U Miss Me,
Never You Cry Because A Drop Of Tear In Your Eyes
Is A Day Less In My Life”

One Tree Can Start A Forest

One Tree Can Start A Forest,
One Smile Can Start Friendship ,
One Touch Can Show Luv N Care,
& One Friend Like U Can Make Life Worth-Living!


Where Everything Seems UNCERTAIN,
Only One Thing Is DEFINITE.
You'll Always Be My FRIEND,
Beyond WORDS,
Beyond TIME & Beyond DISTANCE!

When The Night Comes

When The Night Comes,
Look At The Sky.
If You See A Falling Star,
Don't Wonder Why,
Just Make A Wish.
Trust Me It Will Come True,
Cause I Did It And I Found You.

A Friend Gives Hope

A Friend Gives Hope When Life Is Low,
A Friend Is A Place When You Have Nowhere To Go,
A Friend Is Honest,
A Friend Is True.
A Friend Is Precious A Friend Is U.

Science Has Proved

Science Has Proved That Sugar Melts In Water,
So Plz Don`T Walk In The Rain,
Otherwise I May Lose A Sweet Friend Like U